Royal LePage Triland Realty, Brokerage
#103 - 240 Waterloo Street, London, ON N6B 2N4
Royal LePage Triland Realty, Brokerage
#103 - 240 Waterloo Street
London, ON N6B 2N4
Copyright 2013. Jordan Wilson Homes. All rights reserved
Royal LePage
President's Gold Award
2018 & 2019
For more details on awards please visit royallepage.ca
Royal LePage
Director's Platinum Award
2022, 2021 & 2020
Call or email today for information regarding current home sales and London Ontario Real Estate!
Royal LePage Master Sales Award
2016 & 2017
I feel that the services we provide are second to no one. But, don't just take my word for it – check out our updated listing page as well as our page dedicated to buyers to find out how we can design appropriate, individual services for you.
Purchasing a home is a huge investment, and therefore can be a daunting task. Don't worry, I am here to guide you through the process. I can answer all of the tricky questions and help you sail over every hurdle.
Your home is a reflection of the lifestyle that you love.
It is both who you are, and who you want to be.
Jordan Wilson at Royal LePage Triland Realty Brokerage values both individuality and beauty. But most of all, he values the fantastic clientele he works with on a daily basis. Striving to provide top notch real estate service in London and the surrounding area, he ensures that clients are always top priority.
Real Estate Professional